Good morning dear DECENOMY friends,.

14 Sep 2022, 07:55
Good morning dear DECENOMY friends, we have had some "hard days" and had to defend ourselves against a major attack on all levels. We have stabilized SAPP with your help and can even see a nice rising trend again. The YieldNodes and the SAPP communities have shown a lot of strength, thank you very much for that. I had announced new information channels for these days. Unfortunately this will take a few more days. Therefore I will inform you here about the current status: Our research confirm the information we had received before: We were attacked by a larger group of DeFi supporters. The professionalism with which this was done shows that this was planned from long hand. In addition to the dumping action, targeted information was spread in various channels against us, including that we were a scam. We have been in existence for more than 3 years, we are transparent and have already been audited several times, most of them live in our offices and hubs. We have officially registered companies, many of the members of the DECENOMY group are working full time for our vision of a new fair market economy. When people claim we are a risky unregulated investment, like most startups, that is certainly true and we explain that to every partner in YieldNodes. If people claim we are a scam, then that is an spiteful insinuation. After consulting with our lawyers, we will take legal action against this. The hammer was fired by the supposedly reputable exchange "Kraken". Several YieldNodes investors had their accounts terminated after YieldNodes paid out their earnings. This proves that it was never about protecting customers from investing in a scam, it was always about harming, or even destroying YieldNodes. But I think that these attackers underestimated the strength of DECENOMY, of which you are an essential part. We are currently building data centers at various locations in Europe in order to have our own decentralized infrastructure. In the second step, we will build further data centers worldwide as part of our hub concept, which DECENOMY partners can also operate according to defined standards. We call these data centers "Node Space". Our hub concept provides worldwide real meeting points for DECENOMY, where people can meet and get information about DECENOMY at appropriate events or individually. The Hubs provide space and Node Space for DECENOMY. The first Hubs are operated by us, we would be happy if more Hubs are operated by other DECENOMY partners. Currently there are two hubs, the first one in Malta and the second in northern Germany, more will follow in Italy, Portugal, Dubai and Sao Tome. For our mobile charging station project for electric cars, we are establishing a new company "Mobolith GmbH" in Germany. It will have the legal form of a corporation. Mobolith will be the first company to run entirely on DECENOMY. MOBIC will be used as the coin. In addition to MOBIC, we will set up a new coin which will represent the field of energy, this will probably happen in Dubai, but of course anyone can invest. UCR will also be used, as CO2 is saved there. As another project, we are currently preparing "Slyhit", a new type of auctions for private users. The application is fully programmed. We are still clarifying legal issues and will launch "Slyhit" this year. For Slyhit the 777 and the KYAN Coin will be used. SAPP as a leading currency will of course be used directly and indirectly in each of the projects. I think through these first projects more and more people will understand how DECENOMY works.