Dear DECENOMY community,. As some of you already know, we have taken over the Flits project.

01 Apr 2022, 10:54
Dear DECENOMY community, As some of you already know, we have taken over the Flits project. Their current team will join us as well, we hope you will all join us in welcoming them to our team, this additionally ensures that the transition will go smoothly and minimize the impact on your Flits hosted masternodes. We have decided that this takeover provides us some opportunities to improve the DECENOMY group vision, we will implement the following changes: TRTT, PEPS and FLS will be merged and become 1 extremely strong coin, we will continue with the name Flits and ticker FLS. Why we are going to merge those 3 coins to 1?: - TRTT currently has the use case in IT and the upcoming IT shop. We see it fitting together with Flits and the app as a next step for both projects. - PEPS, currently our overall web shop solution, with an integration into Flits we have more possibilities to bring a full shop solution not only for DECENOMY coins shops but even to provide it as an alternate solution to WooCommerce or Magenta over time. We have chosen Flits of the three coins because they already have an approved app solution available for iOS and Android, which is a significant undertaking, and saves us a great deal of time doing it ourselves. Since Flits currently can act as mobile wallet as well, we will integrate a specific DECENOMY wallet into it so we can use our coins with a mobile device, this is something that will be needed to bring DECENOMY into real life and continue to make our coins more user friendly and continue reducing barriers to entry. The merge ratio will be determined in an economical way. Kind regards, The DECENOMY team